Our sauna is a two person low EMF Far Infrared Sauna with Chromotherapy and a foot bed of Himalayan Salt. We supply towels and wraps. An additional element we have added to your salt sauna experience is the option of listening to one of several therapeutic meditations as well as zen music through the speakers…or you may connect your phone to the Bluetooth.

*The added benefits of the warmed Himalayan salt enhances the efficacy of the infrared sauna by giving off negative ions, which increases the ability to relieve anxiety, reduces stress, and improve sleep


One Person:

30 minutes

1 session = $25

4 sessions a month = $80

Monthly unlimited = $150

45 minutes

1 session = $35

4 sessions a month = $120

Monthly unlimited = $220

Two People:

30 minutes

1 session = $45

4 sessions a month = $155

Monthly unlimited = $285

45 minutes

1 session = $65

4 sessions a month = $235

Monthly unlimited = $445