Couple Intensives are a unique and focused therapeutic modality for couples, whether you are experiencing acute distress or simply in need of a relationship expert.

Whether you are looking to build respect, affection, and closeness between you or desire to share a deeper connection with each other’s inner world; if you are looking to keep conflict discussions productive and find true resolve; to reach a moment of breakthrough or collective insight; to resolve cyclical conflicts; or to strengthen and maintain the relationship you’ve already built- the intensive format has much to offer.

This option is designed to facilitate a space where both partner’s dreams are honored and your hopes supported. It is a deep dive into accessing strengths, learning new skills, and gathering fresh insight and perspective to help you reach clarity in your relationship.


Any couple who is experiencing relationship distress, looking for healing, clarity, or resolution can benefit from this type of therapy. If you are cataloging your current relationship status, considering getting married or thinking about breaking up, this format might also be for you.


Couples who have already determined to leave their relationship and are unable to commit to the therapeutic process are unlikely to derive significant benefit from this format, and are therefore not candidates for this type of therapy.


We Are Stuck

It doesn’t feel good when your relationship isn’t working.

If you feel stuck in your relationship (or with your partner),

if it seems like you have the same fights over and over again,

if you don’t like where your relationship is headed,

if one or both of you are considering divorce or separation:

Come to a weekend intensive and explore the walls you and your partner keep hitting. You will learn plenty of new communication tools, coping strategies, and dig into the structure of your relationship to help you and your partner get back on track, or help you get headed in a new direction.

This intensive is perfect for couples looking to resolve chronic problems and will focus on gaining clarity and resolution in your relationship.

If you are asking yourself questions like “Should we stay together?” or “How long can things go on like this?”, then a weekend of investing in your relationship under the direction of a couples therapist could bring the clarity you need to make a confident decision about the future.

Cost for this option is $1200 and includes two 4 hour sessions that can be divided up to over 2 days or done in one day 8am-12pm and 2pm-6pm.

We Are In Crisis

Has your relationship recently gone through something major?

Perhaps there has been a betrayal, a breach of trust, loss of a job, parent, child, or some unexpected change in your life together.

If there are unhealed things between you driving a wedge, leading to resentment, bitterness, residual hurt or breakdown in communication:

Come to a weekend relationship intensive and let a couples therapist help support you through the process of grief and get settled on the road to recovery. Sometimes when there is a significant life event causing acute pain, the prospect of spending

months in couples therapy can seem overwhelming or hopeless. One benefit to the weekend intensive format is the concentrated approach over two days can lead to significant change. The deep dive approach will present you with the tools and techniques necessary to begin healing your relationship in just one weekend.

Cost for this option is $1200 and includes 8 hours of therapy that can be delivered Saturday 8am-12pm and 2pm-6pm or divided into 4 hour sessions Saturday and Sunday.

We Are Thinking About Getting Married

Are you considering marriage or thinking about commitment?

Come to a weekend of pre-marriage therapy and get a clear picture of your goals for your relationship, gain new insights into your personalities and how they work together, and onboard essential skills to strengthen your relationship for lifelong love.

With the help of a certified SYMBIS pre-marriage facilitator, you will take a look at you and your partner’s mindset when it comes to commitment, money, relationship role dynamics and expectations, as well as your psychological health as individuals and your long term compatibility as a couple.

This intensive is perfect for couples who are considering taking the next step in their relationship and want to have a strong foundation by increasing their understanding of themselves and their partner. Includes registration and access to online assessment tools and results.

Cost is $800